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Face in the wall - Free photo for websites

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Image Description: At first glance, it’s impossible to tell whether one should take a humorous, admirable, or even fearful approach to this strange face in a wall! Painted in multiple vivid colors over what appears to be a series of naturally occurring cracks and protrusions, the final effect gives the impression of a man smiling mirthfully, eyes gently closed, perhaps in simple contemplation - or perhaps in an effort to threaten the opening of its mouth and biting off of your fingers if you choose to reach too close! Whatever the artist’s goal when designing this curious piece of urban art, it serves as a wonderfully unique example of that genre of creativity.

Image category: Home Improvement (Architecture, construction, interior design, plumbing, etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: face, mask, multicolored, building, art, architecture, break through, mure, immured, mured, threat, mouth, urban art, street art, strange, odd, vivid, colors, colorful, balcony, wall, cracks, smile, creativity, creative, decoration, construction, message, unsanctioned, artwork, vandalism, graffiti, visual art, street installations

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