Image Description: Are you short of money but full of ideas? There are lots of things in this life that you can do by yourself. You can see your little kitten go crazy about a handmade mouse like the one depicted in the picture. This is quite an economic way of making your pet happy and moreover doing pet toys with your own hands opens up wide areas to your imagination. When you drop at a store you can see pet toys of limited number and design. And you can buy one of those that you have seen at your friendsТ homes. However, when you are thinking over a toy on your own you are sure to invent a new design. The toy is not going to be your petТs favorite only but it is going to become the subject of your pride.
Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: DIY, cat toy, play, pets, animals, handicraft, handmade, mouse, kitten, kitty