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Creative hairstyle - Free downloadable image

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Image Description: Unique individual expression has become very important in a world filled with so many people that standing out has become difficult, and many of us turn to our hairstyle in order to achieve that individuality. These two girls are prime examples, with one sporting hair dyed a greenish-blue color, and the other with dreadlocks that look as if they are in need of a touch-up. Both dying and dreadlocking hair are processes that must be maintained on an almost daily basis in order to avoid odd-colored roots and stray hairs, respectively. Still, despite that high level of maintenance, a punchy hairstyle can easily be the difference between standing out and fitting in!

Image category: Lifestyle (Fashion, Shopping, Hobbies)

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Tags: creative, hair dress, hair, dreadlocks, dreads, dreds, blue hair, hipster, freak, extraordinary, unusual, funny, wig, funky, punk, fashion

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