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Chocolate muffin - Royalty free image

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Image Description: This is a close-up picture of a chocolate muffin. The close-up view of the muffin makes it possible to see maximum of details of the depicted object. Blurred frame of the muffin concentrates spectacularsТ attention on the part which is seen distinctly. It is marvelous how perfectly a shot can be done. Taking a look at such close-up picture you manage to see the object with all those details that you would see if you observed the muffin held with your hands. The curves of baked dough along with pieces of chocolate are right there before your eyes. It seems that you can sense them with your fingers if you stretch your arm and touch the muffin.

Image category: Food (Recipes, Vegan, Traditional, Regional, Restaurants)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: muffin, chocolate, cupcake, cake, cooking, cooky, kitchen, birthday, sweet treats, sweets, bakery, baked, cookies, tasty, bikkies, biscuits, dessert, food, treatment, delicious, eating, pastry, gateau, kuchen, sugar, dainty, pudding

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