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Candle - Free photo for blogs

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Image Description: This beautiful candle is burning brightly, serving to shed light on the surrounding scene of interesting items. While the theme of red that pervades the photograph, along with the candle, is suggestive of a Christmas scene, the tuxedo and wedding dress in the background give it away as one revolving around a wedding ceremony - perhaps an intricate setting at the head table in the reception hall for the party after. With those wedding garments seen to the right, we’re given a look at a pile of beautiful roses on the left, with one large rose, in particular, sitting right next to the candle, allowing it to be especially illuminated.

Image category: Home Improvement (Architecture, construction, interior design, plumbing, etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: candles, lights, illumination, fire, flowers, still life, romantic, date, presents, romance, roses, gift, rose, decor, decoration, traditions, seduce, seduction, night, evening, relationships, light, flame, twilight, entourage, red, passion, Christmas, festive, tuxedo, wedding, wedding gown, wedding photography, celebrations, traditional, couple, love

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