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Black-piece - Royalty free image

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Image Description: A black pawn photographed up close in opening position. These pieces can only move forward a single square, though they can move forward two spaces on their first turn. A pawn can slowly and stealthy move across the entire chess board and, when it does, it is rewarded by turning into a queen! There are three phases to a chess game; opening, middlegame, and endgame; but the white pieces always go first, giving white a slightly higher win rate. The game of chess is played on a 64 square chess board with alternating colors that are simply referred to as light and dark. The squares are set up in eight rows called ranks, marked with number 1-8, and there are also eight columns called files, marked with the letters “A” through “H.”

Image category: Sports (Football, Golf, Soccer, etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: piece, chess, chessboard, close-up, strategy, tactics, game, play, sport, intellectual, mental, brain, castle, pawn, army, confromtation, opening, strategy game, board game, strategic, move, chess board, players, checkered, confrontation, gameboard, arrangement, grid, tournaments, checkmate, opponent, threat, competition, pieces, championship, playing, step

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