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Balk on the river bank - Free art photo

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Image Description: These old tree logs are an excellent way to stabilize and strengthen your riverbank edges. They make a great fence like border that will protect your riverbank from washing away. Of course, the best way to avoid your lake or pond eroding the land edge is by not cutting down existing trees, grasses, shrubs, and flowers as this vegetation is a great natural river bank stabilizer. The roots of these plants hold the ground together and it will also provide protection for wildlife and fish. Some actions that will harm the stability of your river bank are parking too close to the edge of the bank, removing trees or vegetation, mowing the grass too close to the edge, and trampling the area close to the riverbank, as this will compact and kill plants, as well as promoting heavy flooding in the area.

Image category: Green (Sustainability, Environmental issues, Nature etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: fence, balk, river bank, river, water, lake, pond, water-side, nature, rest, repose, order, similar, ordinary, border, design, construction, strengthening, bastion, frontier, terra, ground, land

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