Image Description: While the amount varies widely based on size, exercise habits, and a number of other factors, the average number of calories that a man should take in each day is 3,000, and that is the fact that is represented in this photograph. A black calculator sits atop an even blacker dinner plate, with that number clearly shown on the mathematical device’s screen, reminding each and every one of us that counting calories is a necessary thing when one wants to stop weight gain and gradually begin to burn excess fat. Still, though, counting calories is only one part of a battle that also involves raising levels of physical activity, with those two endeavors combining to lead to the weight loss and muscle toning that so many of us desire.
Image category: Food (Recipes, Vegan, Traditional, Regional, Restaurants)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: 3000 calories, food, nutrition, health, consumption, intake, obesity, overweight, man, male, daily intake, healthy diet, dieting, calorie counting, calorie burning, fooddiet, diet plan, meal, healthy meal, lose weight, weight loss, plate, consume, calculate, compute, count, arithmetic, buttons, estimate, figure, plan, number, norm, average, muscle