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Solutions and problems - Royalty free photo

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Image Description: The two words of СsolutionsТ and СproblemsТ with squares opposite both of them seem to be like those of which a checklist of things-to-do is usually composed. The empty squares opposite the words are the informational blanks for the author to put a tick inside when the task is completed. Thus, looking into the checklist one can immediately understand what things are still expecting certain actions and which ones can be already omitted and crossed out of the list. In the given list we can see that the tick is in the square opposite the word СsolutionsТ and the one which is opposite the СproblemsТ word is still empty. It means that the author has found solutions to existing problems. And when the solutions are found problems go away.

Image category: Business and Edu (Education, Personal and Professional Development, Career)

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Tags: solution, problem, business, scheme, management, marketing, variant, strategy, whiteboard

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