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Piglet with a gun - Royalty free photo

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Image Description: This bizarre statue of a toy pig wearing clothes and holding a gun has an expression on his face suggesting that he is having a hard time getting the gun ready. He is standing on a little patch of bright green grass with a pair of baby blue checkered overalls. The blurry background looks like it could be a classroom or study, and this little piggy is sitting on top of a computer overlooking the whole scene. The yellow wall behind the pig makes his tall ears stand out more than they already do, making for an interesting color contrast. Another interesting thing to take note of is the pig’s double-barreled shotgun with the barrels on top of each other, as most other such shotguns have the barrels side by side.

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: Piglet, gun, pig, piggy, fairy tale, Winnie-the-Pooh, story, night, sleep, toy, old, children, kids, child, kid, kids stuff, afraid, scare, fear, concentration, self-improvement, decision, decision making, fun, shoot, shot, bullet

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