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Matches - Free art image

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Image Description: This is a V shaped box of matches from a restaurant-cum-cocktail bar. Due to technological progress the products like this box of matches are going to extinct. Housewives enjoy cookers with electric sparkle. Smokers use cigarette lighters. And so on. However, if we compare the modern design of matches boxes with that used years ago it is going to become clear that matches enjoy a firm position on the world market. The design has been improved greatly making the process of starting fire more and more convenient. Moreover, matches themselves got a more spectacular air with colorful sulfur. Besides that, there are some situations when usage of matches is principal. It is a kind of tradition and, as you know, traditions are not easy to cease.

Image category: Food (Recipes, Vegan, Traditional, Regional, Restaurants)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: matches, fire, light, fireplace, flame, hot, smoking, smoke, cigarettes, matchbox, matchstick, wooden, cooking, campfire, camping, triangular, triangle

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