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Later-now - Royalty free image

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Image Description: Two simple words СlaterТ and СnowТ. Every day we have things that can be done right now or postponed till better times later. Such a simple picture makes you give the matter a second thought when you begin thinking about the fact that СlaterТ is crossed out. Really! Why put off till tomorrow something that must be done today? Moreover, just think about the following. Are you sure in tomorrow? The present moment is the only thing that we really have. This is the only moment when we can really change something and influence the future. The moment is СNOWТ! Cross that СLATERТ from your daily vocabulary.

Image category: Finance and Law (Saving, Personal finance, Economic news)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: later, now, time, management, strategy, decision, present, early, moment, instant, blink, scheme, solution, planing, urgency, immediateness, exigence, emergency, self-improvement, productivity, laziness

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