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Heart shape element - Free downloadable image

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Image Description: This gate has a unique heart-shaped opening to peer through. The shiny black paint on the iron gate is a major contrast to the whiteness that we see through the opening. The heart symbol or heart shape is often used to express feeling from the heart, whether that feeling is considering romantic in nature or not; while we know better today, people of nearly all civilizations past have thought that the heart is the center of feeling and being in human beings, thus its use as a symbol of the same. In the 14th century, an overly simplified drawing of an anatomical heart began the association of a heart shape representing our actual heart - strangely enough, the shape that we’re all so familiar with really doesn’t resemble the human heart at all!

Image category: Family and Personal (Dating, Love, Kids, Parenting)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: heart, element, shape, gate, look, fence, insight, relationships, love, date, dating, couple, family, valentine's day, romance, heart-shaped, romantic, peer, shiny, black, paint, iron, contrast, opening, see through, symbol, feeling, feelings, perspective, lover

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