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Goals - Free photo for websites

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Image Description: This is the picture of a list of goals on the white background. The goals were written down by a pen with classic blue ink. What is the message of the picture? They say that you live when you have something to achieve. There are many movies in which you can see men recovering because they have not achieved some of the set goals. Thus, we can say that our goals keep us alive. СHow can I die if I havenТt been to Paris yet?Т Is that not the sufficient reason to go on fighting for your life and health? Oh, yes, that really is! In this list there are three points opposite which dashes are. The dashes mean that any kinds of goals can be there.

Image category: Business and Edu (Education, Personal and Professional Development, Career)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: goals, management, marketing, trade, productivity, list, schedule, scheme, notification, target, plan

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