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Firework - Free picture for blogs

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Image Description: Fireworks come in all shapes and sizes, but none are more loved than so-called “bursters,” those projectiles that explode into a kaleidoscope of color from a central point. With smoke clearly visible against the black sky thanks to the light emitted by the fireworks themselves, we see countless streams of red and yellow light as they quickly journey through the air, bursting with loud “booms” and “cracks” all the while, and guaranteeing an appropriately awed response from the probable crowd that has gathered below in order to enjoy the show. Like most firework shows, this one is likely taking place over a body of water, allowing the resulting embers to fall harmlessly into the wet stuff below, eliminating any risk of fire.

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

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Tags: fireworks, lights, festival, party, fiesta, celebration, holiday, wedding, entertainment, show, conclusion, colorful, celebrate, celabraions, festivities, public holidays, holidays, fun, night show, fireworks show, skyrocket, climax, bright, explosion, burst, light, pyrotechnics, aerial, smoke, gala, concert, display

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